Lately I’ve been writing about resources that contribute to the start up of a coaching business – time, workspace, finances, and business skills.

Today I’m writing about what I suspect is the most important resource (after your relationship with God) – the resource of community.  By “community” I mean the people in your life that support who you are and what you do as a coach.  Your personal community of support includes the people God has placed around you to be with you in what He has called you to do.

Why do I think this is the most important resource?  Because when the other resources – time, workspace, finances, business skills, etc. – are limited, the people in your community can step in and help fill the gaps.  Your community can help – by doing something practical or by helping you problem solve or by offering encouragement.

Who are these people? 

  • If you have a fully supportive spouse, let me encourage you to consider really what a great blessing you have.  Though financial support may be a part of your blessing, by “fully supportive” I mean “personally supportive.”  Your spouse is someone who expects to be “with you” as you create a meaningful and profitable business, who cheers you on when things get tough, and who believes in you and reminds you, when necessary, that you were created to be a coach.  If this describes your situation, say “thank you” to your spouse and to God today, and remember the value of this.

  • You have close family and friends who know you well and support your calling.  Your personal community of support may also include co-workers, church mates, small group members, and professional or ministry contacts.  Let people know what you are up to.  Ask for their creative input.  Ask for their prayers.  Share your praises and specific prayer requests, and certainly give back the same interest and support to them. 

Do you need to develop your personal community of support?  Perhaps as you read this you are feeling that your community is limited and needs to grow.  Pray to notice current relationships in which you can participate more fully.  Ask God to reveal potential new relationships.  Take action to initiate connections.

There is opportunity in connecting with the greater community of Christian coaches by becoming a member of the Christian Coaches Network and taking initiative to meet other members.  Also, for all coaches, having a coach is highly recommended.  Please contact me to arrange coaching if you do not currently have a coach – I would love to be a member of your personal community of support.

Contact Linda Dallaire at 763.780.8508 or .

Christian Coaching Resources