If you’ve been reading my last few posts, you may have concluded that I think you should only consider ICF accredited coach training and you should pursue ICF credentials.

No.  That’s not what I think.

What I think is that decisions are best made according to mission and vision (hopefully you read those posts, too, so you know what I’m talking about).  Your best training decisions will be based on your unique calling.  Take the training that will best prepare you for your unique purposes.

For examples:

  • If your vision includes working for a business, church or ministry organization that seeks ICF certified coaches, obviously accredited training will be your choice. 
  • If your vision includes developing a professional coaching business, then you will do very well to learn all you can about the profession and to consider fully the value of ICF accredited training and certification.
  • If your vision includes applying coaching in a ministry setting, and you are sure that ICF approved training or certification will never apply, then hopefully you will seek an excellent training program, taught by well-trained, experienced and successful professional coaches.

No one can tell you “the truth about” what training program you should take.  That is for you to discover, as you seek God’s leading and uncover the unique purposes for which you were created.   

God has shown his faithfulness, sustenance and blessing to Christian coaches who have been trained in a variety of programs – ICF accredited or not – Christian or secular.  God is able to do the same for you as you step into the calling for which you are made.

I’m going on vacation and won’t be posting for a week or so.  Come back then, or if you haven’t done so already, go to the right of this post and enter your e-mail address for the updates.     

Christian Coaching Resources