To start a life coaching business, you need a few resources (obvious, I know).  Begin by assessing your resources in the following areas:  time, finances, technology, space, community, and your business skills/interests.  I’ll talk about each of these resources in my next few posts.

Time…it should be simple.  Of course you need time to devote to a new career and a new business.  Why stop and take notice here of time? 

Well, as simple as it seems, and as clear as we are that all things take time, it’s amazing how we often consider big decisions to change things in our lives without thinking through how we will find the time to implement the changes.  And then the changes never happen – because we simply haven’t made the time.

You may be working a full-time job, attending to your family and/or other things outside of work, and your schedule is overloaded.  You need more time as it is – without adding a career change and starting a new business.

You may be a stay-at-home parent who wants to work out of your home.  As an at-home parent, you know you are always “on duty.”  How are you going to become a business owner, not to mention an excellent coach, in the midst of your very full schedule? 

You may want to start a coaching business because of time – to have more control of your work schedule – to spend more time with your family or on another meaningful pursuit – to generally have more freedom with your time.

When you have your coaching business established, these things fall into place.  But between here and there, you need to find the time to get your business up and running.  You need a plan for that – for the “between here and there.”  You need to know that it will take time.

As a life coach, you will help others find the time to do what is most important to them.  As a Christian life coach, you will help others find the time to do what God has uniquely called them to do. 

It can be done!  You can find the time!!!  If you have no idea how you will find the time, get a coach.  If you don’t have a coach, contact me – ask for special rates available through – and we will find the time!  Don’t delay! 

Contact Linda Dallaire at or 763.780.8508. 

Christian Coaching Resources