Today I sent out a press release that announces the culmination of a big project I’ve been working on the last three months.  The Complete Guide to Christian Coach Training has been revised and features 20 of the top Christian coach training programs in the industry.  It’s a unique resource that streamlines and consolidates research for those considering coach training from a distinctly Christian perspective. Although this new edition has been available for about a month in the traditional ebook format, as of today a soft cover version us available for the first time!

I first released The Guide as an ebook in 2008 and have updated it annually, making this the fourth edition. Twenty Christian coach training programs are featured each with a two page profile including program descriptions, contact information, social media links and cost estimates.  Additionally, The Guide discusses the basics of coaching, clarifies accreditation, credentialing, and certification and takes readers through eleven factors to consider when choosing coach training.  There is no other resource like it.

To learn more and to order the ebook go here:

And … as of just moments ago … you can order the soft cover at Amazon!  Check it out here:

Christian Coaching Resources