After I took my coach training 10 years ago and before I launched my coaching business, I attended the first Christian Coaches Network conference in Virginia Beach (VA) in 2003. It was so inspiring and energizing to connect with other Christians with diverse backgrounds, training and vision for coaching! I felt connected to a bigger community, enjoyed rich discussions, shared fervent prayers and learned so much!  Since then, I’ve attended CCN live conferences in 2005 and 2007 and participated in the 2009 THRIVE eSummit and I found each event to be valuable in the same ways.


As an admitted coaching geek, I want to wholeheartedly recommend the IMPACT eSummit! Aspiring, new and established professional coaches will find a wealth of information, education and community. The pre-conference day is today and already attendees have been blessed with rich inspiration and actionable learning! But you haven’t missed out yet! The main IMPACT 2014 eSummit is scheduled for NEXT WEEK – September 29 to October 3. And you can register to receive recordings of all sessions if you can’t attend the live sessions.


When you’re ready to register just click here.


The location is at your convenience – you can participate from wherever you are with Internet and/or phone access. And the content is absolutely fantastic – last time I counted there were 27 speakers and 38 sessions! Wow!


The topics include everything from coaching skills to business development to integrating faith with the practice of coaching. The speakers are from a variety of training backgrounds and niches. Many speakers are notable pioneers in Christian coaching and many hold impressive credentials. I’m excited to hear it all!


There has never been an event like this, with this much rich content specifically for Christian coaches! In my opinion, the value far exceeds the financial investment for anyone who is serious about becoming a coach or growing a coaching business or ministry. You can even get ICF CCEUs for many of the sessions if you choose. If you can’t attend all the sessions in real time, you can pay a bit more to receive the recordings of all the sessions.


Check it out and register here.


Not a Christian Coaches Network member? You don’t have to be to attend the conference, but I definitely recommend getting an annual membership to CCN at the same time you register for the conference to result in great savings and a remarkably reasonable cost for the combination. (I’ve been a member since 2003!)


I’ll be moderating the evening sessions of the Impact eSummit and I hope to “see” you there!


In the spirit of full disclosure, the link in this post is an affiliate link which means I may receive compensation as a thank you from CCN for referring you. If you prefer a non-affiliate link, simply go to the Christian Coaches website here.


Christian Coaching Resources