Here are four steps for pursuing your interest in becoming a coach.

As a Christian, you likely want to pray through all aspects of the process and make your decisions about how to proceed based on your sense of God’s direction.  The following provides a basic structure and context for you to customize based on your unique circumstances and goals.

You are invited to post questions here, asking for further assistance and clarification.

Step one.  Learn all you can about the profession and ministry of coaching.

  • Read and do internet research.  Much of what you want and need to know is right here at this site.
  • Interview coaches who are successfully doing what you want to do.
  • Hire a coach to learn what it’s like to be coached and how coaching works.*

Step two.  Before comitting time, money and resources to a career change or coach training, take time to make sure coaching will fulfill the vision you are pursuing.

  • Learn how coaching is similar to other helping professions, but distinctly different.
  • Make sure becoming a coach fulfills the unique goals you are pursuing.
  • Work with a coach to help clarify your vision and make a good plan.*

Step three.  Choose training that moves you toward your vision.

  • Research Christian coach training programs, including those professionally accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF).
  • Find other ICF professionally accredited schcools listed at
  • Use The Complete Guide to Christian Coach Training for further information on thirteen Christian coach training programs and consideration of eleven coach training decision making factors.  Yes, I’m the author of this ebook.  There is nothing else like it available.

Step four.  Activate your training and establish yourself as a coach.

  • Be encouraged in most training programs to practice coaching while learning.
  • Receive from most training programs information and support for establishing a coaching business or ministry.
  • Work with a mentor coach – one who has successfully established a practice or ministry similar to your vision.*
  • Pursue professional coach certification to the extent that it supports your unique vision and goals.
  • Participate in continuing education to expand your business skills and advance your coaching expertise.
  • Find encouragement and enlightment by intentionally connection with other Christian coaches. 

*If you do not have a coach and know that you will benefit by working with an experienced mentor to prospective and new Christian coaches, I would love to be your coach.  Please contact me to inquire about individual coaching, groups, classes and special rates available to visitors and members of this site.

Christian Coaching Resources