How to Keep Your Coaching Business on Track

Prior to becoming a coach – in my corporate job – I had been in the habit of creating a weekly report to submit to my director that communicated my work activities of the week. I suspected this habit might be helpful to continue when, ten years ago, I...

Does a Coach Need to Be Coached?

During the Q&A of a recent Christian Coaching Resources teleseminar, questions were posed about mentor coaching. What is it? And why would a coach hire a coach? What is mentor coaching? Traditionally, a coach hires a mentor coach to be coached in one or all of the...


A basic coaching tool that assesses life satisfaction is often included in coach training curriculum.  Although the assessment form can look different from school to school, the tool itself is essentially the same.  Significant areas of life are listed with...


You finished your coach training course and were awarded a coaching certification.  Congratulations!  Now, why would you want an additional credential from the International Coach Federation (ICF) or the Christian Coaches Network (CCN)?  What is the value of a...

Christian Coaching Information: Too Much or Not Enough?

What do you need to know about coaching before you decide to pursue it?  How much information do you need before you decide what coach training program you will take and whether ICF credentials are important to you?  What needs to take place before you start your...

Don’t Let This Happen to You

Over the holidays, I talked to a new coach whose plan for 2014 included launching his new coaching business. He has spent the last few years chipping away at courses to become a certified coach through his chosen coach training program. He spent money, time and energy...
Christian Coaching Resources